Our policies and procedures

We have a range of policies that underpin each of our core areas of work (training, event cover and consultancy). We’ve included the main policies below for reference, but many others are available on request. 

If you’d like to see a specific policy that is not included below then please contact us.

Access to assessment policy and proceduresVersion 2.0  |  13 May 2024  |  PDFDownload
Appeals policy and proceduresVersion 1.1  |  15 February 2024  |  PDFDownload
Centre management policyVersion 1.1  |  16 April 2024  |  PDFDownload
Due diligence bookletVersion 1.1  |  7 May 2024  |  PDFDownload
Health and safety policy statementVersion 3.1  |  4 March 2024  |  PDFDownload
Training services terms and conditionsVersion 3.1  |  30 April 2024  |  PDFDownload